The Horror Show at Extreme Rules

Download This Episode Man oh man. How in the hell do we even begin to review the surreal-ness that was The Horror Show at #ExtremeRules? #WWE certainly put on an unforgettable display but was it too crazy to be good? Jeremy and Lou are breaking it all down. #FRN #NPR FEATURING: Jeremy Goeckner & LouisContinue reading “The Horror Show at Extreme Rules”

Backlash 2020 Review

Download This Episode As the Network branches out a bit, we’re pleased to bring the first of our regular #WWE PayPerView reviews. Here’s what happened last night at #Backlash2020. Did the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever live up to the hype? Find out the answer to that and every other question from last night’s action! FEATURING: Jeremy Goeckner Don’tContinue reading “Backlash 2020 Review”

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